Thursday, June 25, 2009

What to read...what to read?

Alright, here’s my confession; I’m a lazy reader. I hardly read anything prior to seminary, then I read frantically, because I had to, but I really started to enjoy it. I spent last Summer studying for ordination, and told myself that I would get back into reading more, because I can read whatever I want…So far, this has happened too slowly. I like it when I do it…I just have too much inertia to overcome in starting a book or getting into it.

This year, the best books I read were John Owen’s Mortification of Sin and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (see below); I highly recommend both!

So, this summer I want to get back into reading more consistently. The question is: “what do I need to read?”

Here’s my working list to this point:

Richard Niebuhr’s Christ & Culture

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Alisdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue

Mario Puzzo’s The Godfather

I’m a very slow reader, so I need to make sure that I read good books; good non-fiction, and good fiction. So, I want to hear some of your all-time favorites or recent must-reads. If you could tell me to read one or two books this summer what would they be and why?


  1. Lindsay suggested Shopaholic and Twilight....I'm not so sure.

  2. I really enjoyed my "second" reading of Charles Dickens "Great Expectations". I say second reading because I was supposed to read it in highschool, but really, who reads anything they're supposed to in highschool? After I graduated college, though, I picked it up again and enjoyed it. Not sure Dickens meant it this way, but it's interesting to see how peoples' sin ultimately affects those around them without them necessarily meaning for it to.

  3. Ayn Rand... with some scotch and a cigarette close by.

  4. Good call on Ayn Rand! Jada (aka Chad) has also offered a strong recommendation for Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers.
