Friday, April 21, 2006

A Flock of Moosen

I'm at work right now and was just answering an email to one of the people I interned with under a professor this year. Our internship is coming to an end; it's been great, but not sad to see it wrapping up. Someone made a joke about writing a Festschrift for the professor as a gift at the end of the year (Festschrift is a German word for a collection of essays written in honor of a scholar). Anyway, I wanted to reply, and was looking the word up to make sure that I had spelled it right when I noticed that the plural for Festschrift is FestschriftEN, and I got a big kick out of it. But I knew that just like the joke about writing a Festschrift is too nerdy to be funny for anyone reading this, any joking about Boxen or Moosen would not be nerdy enough for everyone getting the email.

I promise, no more nerd jokes beyond this point.